Toronto Employment Lawyer Jason Wong provides innovative and cost-effective legal services to employees and employers regarding workplace issues. Jason only practices employment, labour, and human rights law.
Do You Need an Employment Lawyer?
Yes. Even if you do not need one. There are no bad questions. Most Ontario employees and employers do not know their workplace rights. Whether it is upon hiring, while working, and especially upon termination of employment. Call 416-613-1364 or email jason@wongemploymentlaw.com to speak with a Toronto employment lawyer right now, especially if the following has occurred to you:
You were offered a job and your new employer wants you to sign an employment contract.
Your current employer has asked you to sign a new employment contract.
You are being harassed or bullied at work.
You require accommodation at work.
You are an independent contractor that has been terminated.
You have been terminated from employment and offered a severance package.
You have been terminated from employment for cause or just cause, and not offered a severance package.