Severance Pay

Should I Work From Home Because of Coronavirus?

Should I Work From Home Because of Coronavirus?

Coronavirus has hit North America like a ton of bricks. Governments have announced measures to combat coronavirus like Canada’s COVID-19 Response Fund. Here is what employers and employees should consider when responding to coronavirus, including working from home, sick leave, and layoffs.

Fired for #Tweeting?

Fired for #Tweeting?

Employees should beware of disparaging their employers on Twitter or Facebook, as it can lead to dismissal. However, unless the social media posts are particularly bad, employees will still be entitled to severance.

No Discipline Record Could Mean Reinstatement and Severance

No Discipline Record Could Mean Reinstatement and Severance

Toronto Employment Lawyer Jason Wong represented a Bell employee to overturn her termination. The employee could get her job back, severance, and more.

Can My Employer Terminate Me For Any Reason?

Can My Employer Terminate Me For Any Reason?

Yes if the reasons are not illegal, you are not in a union, and you are provincially regulated by the Ontario Employment Standards Act. In this blog I discuss the various job protections an employee may have.