Leaving Your Job and Starting a New One? Know Your Rights

Leaving Your Job and Starting a New One? Know Your Rights

Survey shows that most Canadians are happy with career and job changes. Employees should always know their rights and obligations when it comes to changing their jobs.

Black Friday! ESA Rights for Retail Employees

Black Friday! ESA Rights for Retail Employees

With Black Friday upon us, employers and employees should know the basic obligations and rights that everyone has during this hectic time of the year.

Was Don Cherry's Termination Justified?

Was Don Cherry's Termination Justified?

Was Don Cherry’s termination right? If the termination was without cause, then yes. If the termination was with cause, then probably no. This blog discusses the factors that come into play for an employee in Cherry’s situation.

Fired for #Tweeting?

Fired for #Tweeting?

Employees should beware of disparaging their employers on Twitter or Facebook, as it can lead to dismissal. However, unless the social media posts are particularly bad, employees will still be entitled to severance.

New Laws for Federal Employees

New Laws for Federal Employees

Federally regulated employees and employers will get new laws that govern the workplace. Even if you work in Ontario, these changes to overtime, vacation, and sick leave may apply to you

Long Term Employee Gets Two Years Severance Including Commissions

Long Term Employee Gets Two Years Severance Including Commissions

A court awarded a long term employee a severance package of two years based on his total compensation, including commission, stock options, and benefits. Read more to see why so much severance was ordered.

Labour Board Rules Employer Illegally Terminated Employee for Raising Safety Concerns

Labour Board Rules Employer Illegally Terminated Employee for Raising Safety Concerns

The Ontario Labour Board awarded an employee severance and more when he was terminated for raising health and safety concerns

Quit or Be Terminated?

Quit or Be Terminated?

Employees who quit do not get any severance or employment insurance benefits. They only receive those when they are terminated from employment. This blog explores these employee entitlements, and what an employee must know.

#BellLetsTalk, Human Rights, Mental Health, and Discrimination in the Workplace

#BellLetsTalk, Human Rights, Mental Health, and Discrimination in the Workplace

Today is Bell’s annual initiative, #BellLetsTalk, where Bell donates 5 cents for every text message, call, and tweet to raise mental health awareness and create a stigma-free Canada. As part of #BellLetsTalk, this blog describes how a workplace should deal with mental health

Why You Shouldn’t Call the Ministry of Labour

Why You Shouldn’t Call the Ministry of Labour

The Ministry of Labour can give helpful information, but it does not paint the who picture. Employees and employers who rely on the Ministry of Labour’s information may be missing key legal information about their workplace rights and interests.

No Discipline Record Could Mean Reinstatement and Severance

No Discipline Record Could Mean Reinstatement and Severance

Toronto Employment Lawyer Jason Wong represented a Bell employee to overturn her termination. The employee could get her job back, severance, and more.

Can My Employer Terminate Me For Any Reason?

Can My Employer Terminate Me For Any Reason?

Yes if the reasons are not illegal, you are not in a union, and you are provincially regulated by the Ontario Employment Standards Act. In this blog I discuss the various job protections an employee may have.



2018 saw changes to the world (Ontario) of employment law, including Ministry of Labour changes to minimum wage and sick days; workplace investigations; severance; discrimination and harassment; and EI fraud.

No Severance for Employee Who Harassed Coworkers

No Severance for Employee Who Harassed Coworkers

Court finds that employer was justified to terminate an employee for cause because of his workplace harassment. The employer relied on its workplace investigations, harassment policies, and corrective discipline. Because of the termination for cause, no severance was owed to the employee